Periodontal Surgery
When you have periodontal disease, bone loss causes your gum tissue to become unsupported creating pockets and gingival recession. As pockets become deeper due to further bone loss, bacteria and decay can destroy the tooth structure. Once the disease passes a certain point, the area can’t be properly cleaned through regular home care or traditional root planing and scaling.
The Procedure
Osseous surgery removes the infected gum tissue and diseased bone, making the area easier to maintain. It also serves to prevent further damage from periodontal disease while you are under care.
Usually, the whole affected area is treated at one time, so there is minimal chance of reinfection. During the surgery, the pockets are reduced by removing the diseased tissue and lowering the gum to the level of the healthy bone. The gum and bone are reshaped so the gum tissue can re-adhere to the teeth making it easier for you and your dental team to keep the area clean.
What to Expect After Surgery
A side effect of this procedure is that your teeth will appear longer and some gaps between your teeth may look larger. Sometimes a patient experiences temperature sensitivity following surgery, but this lessens over the healing time. You may be placed on a regular care schedule to return for more frequent cleanings that will prevent further disease and complications from developing.